FRED McGAVRAN IS a graduate of Kenyon College and Harvard Law School, and served as an officer in the US Navy in Vietnam. After retiring from law in June 2010, he was ordained a deacon in the Diocese of Southern Ohio, where he serves as Assistant Chaplain with Episcopal Retirement Services. The Ohio Arts Council awarded him an Individual Achievement Award for The Reincarnation of Horlach Spenser, a story that appeared in Harvard Review. Black Lawrence Press published The Butterfly Collector, his award winning collection of short stories, and Glass Lyre Press published Recycled Glass and Other Stories, his second collection, in April 2017.
McGavran won the Writer’s Digest Popular Fiction Award in the horror category, the Winning Writers Contest, the Raymond Carver Award from Humboldt State University, and has placed in many other literary and screenwriting contests. His stories have appeared in Rosebud, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Harvard Review, Storgy.co, The London Journal of Fiction and many other literary magazines and e-zines. His wife Liz is a decorator. Their older daughter Sarah creates art installations for medical facilities, and their younger daughter Marian, a paralegal, just had her second child.